How the 2nd draft turned out

Met with our sales guy John today, who is awesome btw, and these are how my changes panned out :)

- flipped the back half.
- separated toilet from pwdr room
- increased depth of fridge space to 850mm so kitchen will move slightly forward.
- wanted to use the full 20m depth of the building envelope, so the pantry is massive much to my husband's delight. He now has a wall for his wine cellar
- added window splashbacks instead of glass splashbacks for the laundry and pantry.
- flipped the fridge so it is in the pantry
- sliding door in laundry instead of normal
- added broom closet and overhead shelves to the laundry and have two spaces for washer and dryer under the benchtop. left the gap closest to the door as that is where our cat's tower will go!
- increased the garage so we have a triple garage. The increase in size, and the flipping of the back means we have a little nook now behind the garage for our trailer and bins.
- skylights in rumpus
- added doors to bed 2 WIR and ENS.
- added door to master ENS and changed the config around a bit so that the bath is at the windows, the vanity is closer to 2m than 2.6 and the shower is 2m instead of 1.6m.

I think we are 95% there with the plans. Just minor things to be added at tender hopefully but structural we are very happy.

Rest of the deposit was paid today. Hopefully it doesnt take too long to lodge our paperwork so we can get our colour selection and tender date!

Quite scared of what the overall price will be at tender lol


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